Friday, October 28, 2011

Addicted to Chlorine

I'd like to say that Wednesday morning dawned bright and beautiful but, at the time I'm talking about, dawn was a long way off.

Despite the dark, rain and cold, I popped up ten minutes before my 5:30am alarm.  It's crazy how my body bounces out of bed on swim mornings and yet refuses to wake up on the days I get to sleep in until 6:30.  Bizarre. 

Anyway, I bounced down the stairs, down the street, through the change room and out to the pool.  

Seven lanes were set up.  Six swimmers, including me, were milling around.  

Where's the swim team?  Where is the large noisy group of boisterous teenagers? 

We asked the lifeguard.  Nope, they're not coming today.


We looked at each other like little kids on Christmas morning.  We each get our OWN LANE! 

Best. Swim. Ever. 

I just put my head down and swam.  I felt my body move through the water.  I tried out different breathing techniques.  I thought about what my arms and legs were doing and tried to fix little things.  I swam fifty lengths without once worrying about anything.  

Even my swim cap seemed willing to behave and I would get 6 or 8 lengths in before I had to adjust things. 

It was absolutely lovely.  

When I finished the lengths and headed to the deep end to pool run, my friend Mary called out.  Céline, have you tried the new running clinic on Wednesday nights?

"It's awesome" yelled the lifeguard across from the pool.  "Best workout I've ever had in the water."


Apparently on Wednesday nights there is a one hour running clinic that basically involves vigorous pool running and other activities geared for runners. 

Sounds right up my alley. 

Is it crazy that I'm actually thinking about swimming on Wednesday mornings and then going back Wednesday nights for more?  

Mary does it.  The lifeguard loves it.

Why the hell not?   

1 comment:

  1. "swimming on carbs" I think you need to change your blog name! hee hee hee. I know who I'm going to if I start swimming this winter!
