Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Numbers

I started keeping track of my running in a spreadsheet in April.  I wanted to see how things changed during my training.  How far I ran and how my pace changed (if it changed at all).

Now that August is over, I took a look at the last four months.

In May, I ran 107 kilometres.
In June, I ran 123
In July, 172 and
In August, 181.

My highest weekly average was 55 kilometres and I've done that twice now.

When Doug and I were in Boston in April, I bought two pairs of running shoes at the expo.  I started running with them in the last week of April and I alternate shoes for every run.  So far, I've put 312 kilometres on one pair and 313 on the other.  We're supposed to get new shoes every 500k.  That means I will have exhausted two pairs training for one marathon.

Someone told me that running is a really inexpensive sport.

Whoever said that needs to take a look at my bank statements.

It's not.

Other numbers...

I've lost four pounds in the past four months.  That's huge for me - the girl whose weight never changes.

I've gone through three large body glides since May.  Number four won't last too much longer.

Two boxes of gels and one container of eDisks have been consumed.

I have run for 63 hours (3,778 minutes) since May.

I have run six long runs that are longer than a half marathon.  No medals to prove it though.

I now change my insulin pump every six days rather than every four - that means I'm using a lot less insulin.  This may also explain the weight loss.

My last two A1Cs have been 7.0 and 6.9.

My body's clock has shifted and it now wakes up on its own at 5:00am. I can hardly stay up past 9pm.  My mother no longer calls after 8pm for fear of waking me up.

I have only cried twice during a run since May.  Once was this past Saturday and you would have cried too.

Animals I have seen on early morning runs:
8 deer
1 fox
3 herons
countless horses
1 white dog that followed me for about 5k
1 baby racoon (omigod they're cute!)
0 skunks (yay!)

The lowest my blood sugar has gone during a run (since May) was 6.0.  The highest was 19.5.

I have had 5 massages and 8 chiropractic appointments in four months.

The number of times I have checked the confirmation page for the Niagara marathon to make sure that I really have registered: four (not counting the day I actually registered).

The number of times I have wondered whether I can really run a marathon?  Less than 5.

The number of times I have thought: "I can totally do this"?  I've lost count.

Number of days until race day?  46

I can totally do this.


  1. This is SO bloody fascinating!
    Makes me want to count things. But I've been trying for years to keep track of stuff and I only ever last a couple weeks.

    you WILL totally do this!

  2. YAY! This post made me SOSOSOSO happy!
    I hadn't kept track of the numbers 'cept on my garmin page.. WOW

    I also cried during last weekend's run .. lol.. :)
