Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Deathly Hallows

Some days you just gotta do what you gotta do.

And today I just gotta write about something other than running and diabetes.

Harry Potter is calling my name.

Harry Potter has been in my life since 1998 when I read the first book.  I was hooked from the very beginning.  I watched Harry, Hermione and Ron grow up and they kept me company through the roller coaster ride that has been my life.  No matter how many twists and turns my life took, my Harry Potter books were along for the journey.

After the third book came out, I had an idea.  I work with adults who have a developmental disability.  They had all heard about the Harry Potter books but many of them were not able to read.  Or not able to read well enough to handle those books.  So I started a Harry Potter book club.  Every day at lunch, I read out loud to a loyal group of Harry Potter fans.  Every day, I arranged my schedule to make sure that I was there to read.  They ate their lunch quickly to make sure they didn't miss any of the story. Together, we cheered at quidditch games, fretted about Harry, laughed at Ron and were amazed that Hermione time travelled just to take more classes at school.

I discovered later that some of the staff made excuses to hover outside the door at lunch just to listen in.

Harry is the official hero of the series but he's not mine.  The character I resonate most to is Hermione.  She is one tough cookie. She's brilliant and she's not afraid to show it.  She is a problem solver, she's down to earth and she's resourceful.  I know I should say that she's a great role model for young girls but I have to admit that she's been a great role model for this not so young girl.  I first met her at the age of 24, when she was only 11. She taught me all sorts of lessons in strength, perseverance and confidence.  Thanks Hermione!

Ron has made me laugh out loud more than anyone else. There were parts of the books I could hardly read out loud because I kept dissolving into giggles at his awkward antics.

Harry didn't really inspire me or change my life but it was fun to watch him grow up and cheer him on as he grew into his own.  He's pretty cool and I'm sure he singlehandedly helped thousands of boys get into reading.  So thanks for that Harry.

Dobby - I grew to appreciate your annoying loyalty just on time to seriously mourn you when you died.

Neville - you should be proud of yourself.  You are so much stronger than you know.

Snape - I wish someone had given you a hug or told you that you were doing the right thing.

Mad-eye - man you were just way too cool.

Hagrid - omigod you made me cry and laugh and want to smack some sense into you.  You had some strange animal friends but you were loyal to a fault.  That is a rare trait these days.

J.K. Rowling.  Thank you for creating an imaginary world that was so rich and full that people of all ages wanted to be a part of it.  Parents and children connected through your stories.  New friendships were made and bridges were built.  A group of people who do not read and who have trouble focusing came together every day and sat in rapt attention as they listened to your stories.

I will wait in line to see the last movie and then I will join the hundreds of thousands of fans who will mourn the loss of an era and the loss of their wizard friends.


  1. Thanks for an inspiring story. I came to Harry thru reading it for my then 6 year old son (now 11). It introduced him to a world of books and he has since read the whole series many times.

    Although I havent read the rest of the books myself I've very much enjoyed the films and we'll be going on our annual pilgramage to see the new pic in the next few weeks.

    And, btw, your story inspired me to pick up the Philosophers Stone again tonight to read to my next oldest son (co-incidently he's now 6 too) for bedtime, and he loved it.

  2. Got to see HP7 with eldest 2 kids a couple of weeks ago.

    A little bit of Christmas morning in the middle of summer. Loved it.
