Friday, September 23, 2011

The Here and Now

It's fall marathon season. 

I'm not just talking about running.  

I'm talking about life. 

Fall is the busiest time for me.  Running-wise.  Work-wise.  Family-wise.  Health-wise.  I feel like I am running marathons in all parts of my life.  All I keep doing is saying things like: 
  • one more report and things will calm down
  • one more meeting to get through 
  • one more training session to lead
  • one more 3+ hour run
  • one more medical appointment
  • one more birthday
I feel like all I've been doing lately is counting down.  


Counting down feels like I'm wishing time away.  Time, in my opinion, is one of the most precious things we have and I never wish it away.  Even when something exciting is coming up - a trip, a race, a party - I savour the anticipation rather than count down the days.  

I'm one of those 'every day might be your last' kinda gals.  Not that I think about death a lot - I just try hard to appreciate the here and now.  There is no point in worrying about five years from now since you might not be here anyway. 

So I'm putting a stop to my counting down the days, projects, kilometres or whatever other arbitrary variable that has me focused on the future rather than the present.  I'm digging in my heals, putting on the brakes and slowing life down a bit. 

I spent the evening cooking in a quiet kitchen, reading on the couch and sipping wine.  Life slowed to a crawl and it was lovely. 

As for my running news, here is an update on my strained calf muscle for those who are interested:
  • Geoff is happy with my progress 
  • He taped my calf to help speed up the healing process and reduce the bruising he caused on Tuesday. Good thing because my leg was looking pretty nasty. 
  •  I will not be running 35k on Saturday.  As soon as that was out in the air, I felt a huge relief.  Pressure's off.  I will focus on resting, healing, doing some short runs and planning for the big one next weekend. 
  • I have to ice, heat, stretch ad nauseum and try a few easy runs before I see him next Tuesday
Without a four hour run looming, my Saturday suddenly seems very free.  Perhaps I'll go for a bike ride?  Explore the market? Take some pictures? 

Whatever will I do with all my time...and energy?

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