Saturday, March 26, 2011

Got It?

There's something to be said for friends.  People with whom you share interests.  People who just get it.

Today is the day before the big race.  Which means it's Expo Day.  Doug and I hopped in the car and drove up to Hamilton this morning to pick up our race kits and check out the vendors.  We hadn't even made it up the stairs to vendor alley when we ran into Chris and Janice.  Ten minutes later, we were chatting away with Erin, Vince, Angie, Alain, Leslie and Vanessa.  We're all running tomorrow and most of us are attempting to run all the way Around the Bay for the first time.  We were all exuding that high strung calm that comes before the last minute adrenaline (panic?) sets in tomorrow morning.

We've done the training and there is nothing we can do now that will make any bit of difference tomorrow.  Might as well enjoy the expo.

Speaking of people who get it, earlier this week I had the pleasure to meet a new friend in person.  We first met in the blogosphere but decided that it was time to meet for a real cup of tea. Her name is Scully and she's also tackling the 30k tomorrow for the first time.  She's a runner, a cyclist and an avid photographer. If that's not cool enough, she also has Type 1 diabetes and is on the pump.  Just like me!

Someone who gets it.

Someone who is probably doing some of the same last minute diabetic calculations and packing that I am.  There is comfort in that thought.

Tonight, in homes across Southern Ontario there will be people pinning on their race numbers, packing their bags and setting their shoes by the door.  Preparing for battle.  Preparing to face their fears and prove to themselves, again, that they are strong

and brave.

That they are heroes.

I get it.

And I'm glad that I have friends out there who get it too.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Celine!! Can't wait to cheer you on tomorrow!!
