Don't worry - I didn't know what it was either...
But I checked it out and have signed up to be part of the movement. Because I think it's a great idea both for me personally as well as for the entire diabetes community. Not to mention the non-diabetes community who may just want to learn a little bit more about what all the diabetes fuss is about.
Here's how it works. There are seven days and seven blog topics. Each day, bloggers participating in D-Blog Week will write about the day's topic. Anyone interested can read the blogs and get all sorts of different perspectives from people with diabetes, people who love people with diabetes, or people who advocate about diabetes. From all over the world.
What a great idea!
The topics are pretty cool too and have already got me thinking about what I'm going to write.
Over the seven days I get to write a letter to someone or something (ex my pump) about my diabetes, share some diabetes bloopers, vent about the frustrations and celebrate all the awesome things about diabetes. Oh, and I get to take some pictures too.
There are already over 100 bloggers signed up with more joining up every day.
When I started my little blog back in January, I really just wanted a creative outlet to write. I did not expect to make new friends. I had no idea that there was such a strong online diabetes community out there or how great it would be to connect with others 'like me'. I am a lone wolf no longer and there is a great comfort in knowing that there are people who get it.
Next week is going to be informative, inspiring, heart-wrenching and tons of fun. For those of you kind folks who stop by my blog on a regular basis, my daily musings about diabetes, running and life will have a decidedly diabetic slant. I hope it provides some insight into my world and that it inspires you to check out some of the other amazing diabetes bloggers out there.
If you want more information, click on the link above or head over to Karen's blog. She's the lady behind the idea.
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